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British accent

The way British people speak. The "British" in this word can be replaced with any country or place. (eg. Canadian, Scottish, Sweedish, Russian etc)

Oy, mate! Im learning how to do a British accent!

by Doomkid5 December 3, 2024

british accent

The biggest marker in media that everything that's being said is a lie. Ask other Europeans about it.

The way the actual accent is spoken in england, northern & republic of ireland (the latter, technically not in uk) (all DE-CAPITALIZED) is actually undignified & unintelligent sounding as opposed to how they make themselves appear in all media the british intelligence agency is pushing into the North American entertainment market (that's ALL they do in that agency). They'd do away with cana-duh, if they could, really. Why the American public opinion shaping agency, the cia (DE-CAPITALIZED), keeps on helping, I cannot fathom. Then again, they are the Company (CAPITALIZED).

The other Celts, the Welsh & Scots, are the ones that speak it like they really do love the sound of their own voice, because they hear tones well. Artfully grammatically correct too, unlike the grammar school going english that hardly could utter proper grammar — stay in england awhile.

It's the english (at it's core) impulse in them to push forward their thinking, because they are above you, no matter the complete lack of basis for that impression. So they stress words, raise their tones, snarl & grunt, as if THATwould force you to submission. More of enabling a primal impulse that they've refined to an art.

Wow! I would've believed the shaming news from bbc, if it only were in british accent (DE-CAPITALIZED).

Oh, wait, it's all in that accent.

Next on bbc:

OOooh, oight, oight! When you heeaarrrr that we aaare NOT the the best people on the plaaahnet, they are gaslighting you! How could weee NOT? Weee speak this aaaac-cent! Baaaaaaaahhhh!

Don't believe anything in that accent in ANY media.

by mrdabbleswithpotion January 4, 2022

british accent

The biggest marker in media that everything that's being said is a lie. Ask other Europeans about it.

The way the actual accent is spoken in england, northern & republic of ireland (the latter technically not in uk) (all DE-CAPITALIZED) is actually undignified & unintelligent sounding as opposed to how they make themselves appear in all media the british intelligence agency is pushing into the North American entertainment market (that's ALL they do in that agency). They'd do away with cana-duh, if they could, really. Why the American public opinion shaping agency, the cia (DE-CAPITALIZED), keeps on helping, I cannot fathom. Then again, they are the Company (CAPITALIZED).

The other Celts, the Welsh & Scots, are the ones that speak it like they really do love the sound of their own voice, because they hear tones well. Artfully grammatically correct too, unlike the grammar school going english that hardly could utter proper grammar — stay in england awhile.

It's this impulse in them to push forward their thinking, because they are above you, no matter the complete lack of basis for that impression. So they stress words, raise their tones, snarl & grunt, as if that would force you to submission. More of enabling a primal impulse that they've refined to an art.

I would've believed the shaming news documentary from bbc, if it only were in british accent (DE-CAPITALIZED).

Oh, wait, it's all in that accent.

Next on bbc:

OOooh, oight, oight! When you heeaarrrr that we aaare NOT the the best people on the plaaahnet, they are gaslighting you! How could weee NOT? Weee speak this aaaac-cent! Baaaaaaaahhhh!

Don't believe anything in that accent in any media.

by mrdabbleswithpotion January 4, 2022

1👍 2👎

british accent

The biggest marker in media that everything that's being said is a lie. Ask other Europeans about it.

The way the actual accent is spoken in england, northern & republic of ireland (the last, technically not in uk) (all DE-CAPITALIZED) is actually undignified & unintelligent sounding as opposed to how they make themselves appear in all media the british intelligence agency is pushing into the North American entertainment market (that's ALL they do in that agency). They'd do away with cana-duh, if they could, really. Why the American public opinion shaping agency, the cia (DE-CAPITALIZED), keeps on helping, I cannot fathom. Then again, they are the Company (CAPITALIZED).

The other Celts, the Welsh & Scots, are the ones that speak it like they really do love the sound of their own voice, because they hear tones well. Artfully grammatically correct too, unlike the grammar school going english that could hardly utter proper grammar — stay in england awhile. Then the english just takes that for their own & denigrate them. They honestly can't help it.

It's the english (at it's core) impulse in them to push forward their thinking, because they are above you, no matter the complete lack of basis for that impression. So they stress words, raise their tones, make faces, snarl & grunt, as if THAT would force you to submission. More of enabling a primal impulse that they've refined to an art.

Wow! I would've believed the shaming news from bbc, if it only were in british accent (DE-CAPITALIZED).

Oh, wait, it's all in that accent.

Next on bbc:

OOoooh, oight, oight! When you heeaarrrr that we aaare NOT the the best people on the plaaahnet, they are gaslighting you! How could weee NOT? Weee speak this aaaac-cent! Baaaaaaaahhhh!

Do not believe anything in that accent on ANY media.

by mrdabbleswithpotion January 4, 2022

Marble Accent

A fun slang term used to describe the cool and unique way someone talks when they've got a blend of different accents going on. It's like their speech is as smooth as marbles rolling on a polished floor, and it makes you do a double-take.

"That girl's got a 'marble accent' – she mixes her hometown lingo with a bit of something else, and it sounds totally awesome."

by nosianhiouh12jwopu1gu October 8, 2023

Marble Accent

A playful term used to describe the unique and captivating blend of accents and speech patterns that arise when an individual is of a multicultural background. It refers to the smooth, polished, and rich quality of their speech, reminiscent of the intricate patterns and colors found in marbles.

The 'marble accent' is a fascinating linguistic phenomenon that can occur when individuals from different backgrounds come together, resulting in a unique and enchanting way of speaking.

by nosianhiouh12jwopu1gu October 8, 2023

rez accent

When a Native American person talks like other Native Americans from the reservations, only little language.

“Holeh, just really deadly this one is”

“Talking to me in your Rez Accent now huh?”

by greygorilla721 April 16, 2022