Bro Bare. A close guy friend who bares all his emotion with absolute transparency and no filter. Bro bares hold nothing back. They listen to love songs by artists like Air Supply, Chicago and George Michael, and cries when watching Steel Magnolia. Chicks dig Bro Bares because they can relate to one another.
Barry cries like a bro bare when talking about his lost bro babes.
a lot of rags, in reference to clothing that you wear at home and not in public.
Bare Poon: can mean "Lots of poon" "rolling in the poon" "great amounts of poon"
See: "Bare""Poon"
"I got bare poon last night"
"Man she didnt even care, we ended up bare-boning it last night!"
loser but fun, notttttt white, loud, ultra talented
linsey bared is a bad bitch!!!!!!