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A type of weed that is cultivated locally in western New York. Often complemented by the shavings of toenails from a lineage of people in western New York.

Dickie really got blitzed

by Tesha W. August 20, 2017


To go through a portal, usually rashly or hastily. To rush into a situation blindly. A good way to end up in the blinds.

"That new waiter blitzed through the door to the kitchen and ran straight into a cook carrying a dished of bananas flambé."

by Zed Numar July 18, 2021


To outrun something or someone.

If I "blitz" you in a foot race, you ate my dust.

Hey bro, I bet I can blitz you from here to the shops. You're on mate!

by Urbanitewhisperer November 19, 2020

blitz syndrome

The group of symptoms that cause Blitzcrank mains on League of Legends to use their Q ability to pull anything at any time, whether it's to help create a play that'll benefit the team, or not. Most likely not.

You can tell the Blitzcrank on the enemy team has Blitz Syndrome.

by Liffeh02 March 4, 2017

Zander / Blitz Bffs

Zander / Blitz Bffs are very special. He thinks about them everyday

They’re the best people he has met!!!

P1 “Zander / Blitz Bffs To Zander is SOO special?!?! “
P2 “I wonder how long he thinks about them..”

by Blitz! :) December 9, 2021

Biden Blitz

When you do 8 hours of work in 20 minutes much like President Joe signing executive orders.

"Don't mess with that nurse. She's on a Biden Blitz"

"That teacher went on a Biden Blitz and graded 100 assignments before 8am."

"It smells strongly of lemon citrus in here. Someone must have gone on a Biden Blitz disinfecting this whole place"

"I'm so far behind. I'm gonna need to chug an energy drink and pull a Biden Blitz tomorrow morning"

by TynasaurusRex January 25, 2021

Putin on the Blitz-krieg

song. Hilarious parody of “Putting on the Ritz” often sung at celebrations of the end of the ill-advised brief Uklear war.


Play “Putin on the Blitz-krieg” with your few remaining fingers.

by gnostic3 March 2, 2022