A type of weed that is cultivated locally in western New York. Often complemented by the shavings of toenails from a lineage of people in western New York.
To go through a portal, usually rashly or hastily. To rush into a situation blindly. A good way to end up in the blinds.
"That new waiter blitzed through the door to the kitchen and ran straight into a cook carrying a dished of bananas flambé."
To outrun something or someone.
If I "blitz" you in a foot race, you ate my dust.
Hey bro, I bet I can blitz you from here to the shops. You're on mate!
The group of symptoms that cause Blitzcrank mains on League of Legends to use their Q ability to pull anything at any time, whether it's to help create a play that'll benefit the team, or not. Most likely not.
You can tell the Blitzcrank on the enemy team has Blitz Syndrome.
Zander / Blitz Bffs are very special. He thinks about them everyday
They’re the best people he has met!!!
P1 “Zander / Blitz Bffs To Zander is SOO special?!?! “
P2 “I wonder how long he thinks about them..”
When you do 8 hours of work in 20 minutes much like President Joe signing executive orders.
"Don't mess with that nurse. She's on a Biden Blitz"
"That teacher went on a Biden Blitz and graded 100 assignments before 8am."
"It smells strongly of lemon citrus in here. Someone must have gone on a Biden Blitz disinfecting this whole place"
"I'm so far behind. I'm gonna need to chug an energy drink and pull a Biden Blitz tomorrow morning"
song. Hilarious parody of “Putting on the Ritz” often sung at celebrations of the end of the ill-advised brief Uklear war.
Play “Putin on the Blitz-krieg” with your few remaining fingers.