Dmv slang used to replace “On god” which in other words mean swearing to god.
“We just hit this bad lul joint the other day”
“Bod moe”
BOD stands for: Beth Obsession Disorder, it consists of biting the hand, uncontrollable impressions of Beth and saying things or doing things she would do.
BROOOOOOOO that person clearly suffers from BOD!!
benefit of the doubt (used towards a specific person in a specific context)
friend 1: he seems like a douche
friend 2: i'm gonna give him the bod
The hot daughter of the family. Also usually the one who is oldest and always watching out for the rapid dog.
Lucy is such a Bod, attractive and always watching out for Grizzly.
Bod is a slang term short for body. It’s usually used when somebody complements you.
Nice bod!
Have you been working out?