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a penis ring, on a nice penis....it the guy has to think he is a hard ass, and think highly of himself

my boyfriend has the biggest penis and his 4 gauge prince charming doesnt help!

i make dildos and dongs that have penis rings also known as a prince charming

prince charming needs cleaning

by no deal March 18, 2005

9πŸ‘ 67πŸ‘Ž

fifth times the charm

A saying for when you fail the first four times, you say β€œfifth times the charm” to make you feel more confident about the fifth time. This is not BS

Oh man we lost that Fortnite game but you know what they say, β€œFifth times the charm”

by Aids of greatness April 22, 2019

16πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

country boy charm

It means your a complete gentlemen of the old fashion kind.

He just opened the door for her. He really does have that country boy charm.

by Grondallar December 9, 2016

works like a charm

Function very well, have a good effect or outcome. To be very effective, possibly in a surprising way.

If a plan or method works like a charm, it has exactly the effect that you want.

The modem is easy to install and works like a charm in my computer.

by ExcelsiusMaximusMolina March 21, 2016

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fat man's charm

The reason I find Abraham Benrubi way more attractive than Jude Law.

"I mean it; the quarterback's all yours. I'm more interested in the tackle; he's got that whole fat man's charm thing going on."

by Qit January 13, 2004

22πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

prince charming complex

when a woman is always looking for the "one". she will spend her entire life looking for that guy, and never find him. she expects all the goods and will lose out in alot of good relasionships because her expectations are too high. she will test, and tease in order to find

a woman with prince charming complex will meet a man, and date him for awhile, assesing his strengths and weaknesses, teasing him to test his limits, then if he makes one mistake, she will isolate herself from him, and go on, looking for mister right

by linalamour November 4, 2007

44πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


the use of cheap, insincere chat up lines and ill-considered spreading of legs with the intention of seducing women

A man calls Paul talks to a girl, spreads his legs, and asks said girl about her being naked in the shower; in other words using P-charm

by Hugh Woods November 3, 2007

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