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Zisty Clean

A cleaning company in Colorado.

We had a huge party last night, better call Zisty Clean.

by NONA62 December 2, 2021

No Clean Submarine

A dump, that once is taking, does not need to be wiped.

"Dude I just had a no clean submarine in that bathroom and it felt so good.

by GOdLy-! November 25, 2008

clean loli

A loli that is not involved in sexual depictions or acts.

Dam thats a clean loli. Chino chan best girl

by higu May 31, 2018

bean clean

'bean clean'the act of performing oral sex on a female,tounging the clitoris,going down to clean the bean.

if you give me a blow job ill pop down and give you a bean clean,give your bean a clean

by spanjabber13 September 27, 2013

Clean Toilets

Somebody who is not afraid to get dirty in order to make money...

“He’ll do anything mate, even clean toilets...”

by Shrek710 August 9, 2019


n. The term used to describe one who feigns intellect, through ostentatiously purchasing high-brow books with no intention of actually reading them.

Clean-books are so-called from their library of mint condition paper backs, each with crisp, virgin pages, bereft of even a single crease in their spines. As any real reader knows, a typical paperback usually becomes visibly worn and battered after the first time it has been read.

Common behaviour of clean-books includes the frequent posting of Facebook statuses about the books that they have purchased, or the occasional, generic, trite review. Eg: "Hemmingway- what an author.", or "Moby Dick is a good read." Some clean-books go to further lengths than others, and are even known to read reviews or full synopses of the books online, as well as memorizing popular online opinions and interpretations in case their integrity is challenged.

"He's not really as smart as he makes out; he's a bit of a clean-book."

"I went to John's house to borrow Treasure Island, and he's a fucking clean-book! You should have seen how pristine all his books were!

by IceCreamBros May 11, 2013

Speed Clean

definition one- all the garbage goes in the garbage.
definition two- all the garbage goes in the closet.
definition three- all the garbage goes under the bed.


i have major speed cleaning to do.

how will i ever get this done?!
well, i speed clean just don't open my closet.

i told you to clean quickly, not speed clean! now look at your bed !!

by rawrpurpledinoivana February 20, 2010