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Common people use ‘cocktail’, but avid listeners of George FM Drive with Sin and Brook use ‘cockie’.

*listening to a house song with Ibiza vibes*

“This tune takes me to Ibiza… in a time where we can’t fly there, let’s just close our eyes and pretend where there sippin’ on a few cockies

by 69sin69 November 22, 2021


Common people would use ‘cocktails’, but avid listeners of George FM Drive with Sin and Brook use ‘cockies’.

*Listening to the song Talamanca - Burns*

Sin: It takes me to Ibiza… in a time where we can’t fly there, let’s just close our eyes and pretend we are there sippin’ on a few cockies

by 69sin69 November 22, 2021


a adjective describing a man (or woman) with a massive or seemingly infinitely long Penis

Wow your really cocky? Wow really, I thought I was just slightly above average. Thanks Mom!!!!!!!!!!!!

by valorous brilliant February 5, 2016


An abbreviated form of Caucasian used as a slang term for people of Caucasian race. Mostly used by law enforcement as a 'abbreviated form'. In no way racist. Also used between friends or people from same area.

Police Chief - "Ok. We have a discription of the burglar, Cocky...About 6ft 2in...Male...etc.

by OglaighNahEireann February 5, 2019


Mason James Smith

Yo fighting with someone and pretending to be better then them to make them feel worse cuz that’s the only way they can make themselves feel better that’s cocky

by Hallie Johnson July 1, 2019

Cocky Dennis

A penis that is so hideously deformed or misshapen, that it can only be taken out in the presence of blind chicks.

A hammerheaded penis would put you into the Cocky Dennis category.

by billebllunt August 25, 2015


a guy who thinks he knows it all but is actually full of shit.

dude 1: "who do you think is gonna win the election?"
dude 2: "not that black guy. he keeps contradicting himself."
dude 1: "how?"
dude 2: "IDK! he just does! i'm not voting for him."
dude 1: "you don't know shit about shit. quit being a cocky-tard."

by jaudrey October 15, 2008