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copping a feel

grabbing someone in a sexual manner

Copping a feel is only good when I can cop back.

by Jenna April 13, 2004

267👍 63👎

Police Cops

99% more hardcore than regular Police Officers, the Police Cops are an elite devision of the normal police. Rather than using guns, they physically force bullets into their enemies simply using their hands. To reach them you call 911-1, and even if you have an emergency, the Police Cops will still beat you after they're finished helping you.

We are the Police Cops. What the fuck do you want!?

by Xero Anarian August 23, 2006

97👍 22👎

finna cop

When you're going to take, steal, or buy something.

"Shhhiittttttt. I'm finna cop that butter pecan from Culver's," said Alyssa.

by Khamrhin08 May 2, 2017

19👍 2👎

cop a feel

To touch an intimate part of an individual, where the touching was done against that individual’s will and the touching was done for the specific purpose of sexual arousal, sexual gratification, or sexual abuse.

To “cop a feel” is to commit conduct which satisfies the elements of misdemeanor sexual battery under CA PC 243.4(e)(1).

by §§§§ November 19, 2016

89👍 19👎

cop a hooch

To make a poop.

I have to go cop a hooch.

by Lawyer63 March 7, 2011

cop bud

Coping or to cop bud/tree/weed is the act of going to buy some weed.

Hey do you have $5 I'm about to cop bud

by Tree420 December 8, 2016

cop mirror

Right side passenger mirror in vehicle that your homeboy uses to monitor for cops.

Yo dawg, check the cop mirror.. I'm doin' About 85

by urbanasaurus June 6, 2017