The act of packing cocaine underneath the foreskin of your penis, followed by dipping the head of the penis in cocaine once more, and then engaging in vaginal or anal intercourse until reaching climax while creating a numbing-high sensation for the female partner.
Ricky gave me the wildest Memphis Cream Pie last night I swear I almost fainted it was so good!
When you throw chocolate chips at a girl’s vagina.
“My girlfriend got quite upset when I made a chocolate cream pie”
Pretty similar to a cream pie, but you stick your penis in the anus and ooze it with cum
I would love to chocolate cream pie her.
When you push your butt cheeks together while pinching a loaf..
I always have to shower after a chocolate cream pie...
A delicious pie with cream and chocolate. Nothing sexual just a delicious pie.
I ate a delicious chocolate cream pie. Chocolate cream pie is delicious
When you go down for oral sex on a woman,and you’re not aware that she has already had somebody ejaculate inside of her earlier that day.
When I went down on my blind date, that is when i realized i was a victim of dirty double dipped cream pie.
The act of getting but fucked by two guys and another guy shoving his pecker down your throat all whilst getting filled with jiz.
Will bill: You missed it Michael I had me a good ole salami cream pie last night.
Michael : yea I know I was the leader , you was passed out drunk so me and a couple of my boys gave you a salami cream pie.