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🐮 Two Japanese Dairy Cows 🐮

In August 2025 it'll be 80 years since these two Japanese dairy cows began to be exploited, i.e. to whiten Japan's notorious history from early 1930s to 1945 — and once again the majority of the international media fail to put these cows, Hiroshima and Nagasaki into any kind of historic context. So let's put things into perspective; ca. 250,000 Japanese died from the two atomic bombs whereas Japan's acts killed tens of million people, no one knows the exact number and the Japanese themselves have a national amnesia about this matter.

The Japanese emphasize and portray themselves as victims regarding the end of WWII. Actually those bombs were a blessing to them and hence they could begun their self-deception by considering themselves as if they were the only victims in Asia and the Pacific Theater though they were the worst butchers of the era worldwide.

So when the global media recall once again the anniversary of the dropping of a-bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and cry for those 250k victims, meanwhile memories fade away of the Pacific War and Japan's genocidal campaign in China that alone killed over 20 million people by using unspeakable brutality, just recall Nanjing in China (Nanking at the time), or the Unit 731 in Manchuria and its human experiments etc., you name it — considering the anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and recalling what the Imperial Japanese Army did, then this anniversary feels like a sick and hypocritical phenomenon.

A biological miracle; 🐮 Two Japanese Dairy Cows 🐮 have been milked for decades

by O. W. Tongueincheek November 6, 2024

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Dairy Nipples

A lot of people may wonder if Harris Teeters (AKA Hairy Teeters, Hairy Teeth (Hairy Teethers) or Even a Hairy Tooth (Hairy Toothers) are the same things as Hairy Deuters (Thou Shalt Not Deuteronomy), Dairy Hooters (AKA Dairy Hoots), Hairy Dooters and Hairy Doots. No, but they are similar in the fact that Hairy Dooters (AKA Hairy Doots) resemble 5th assholes covered in black hair that can appear anywhere on your body and Harris Teeters along with Dairy Hooters (AKA Dairy Hoots) are like 5th hairy nipples that can do the same.

In some extreme cases, you may have everything from the Dirty Hairies and the Hairy Canaries down to the Dirty Cahooters and the Wooly Babullies, Doodie Croutons, Dut Cracks and the whole nine yards.

Dairy Nipples and Nairy Dipples are fifth hairless nipples that can grow anywhere on your body. These are a lot like Hairy Dooters & Hairy Deuters (AKA Hairy Doots which are fifth hairy assholes) and Dairy Hooters (AKA Dairy Hoots which are fifth hairy nipples), only the latter ones listed here just so happen to produce hair, not so unlike a Harris Teeter.

"Thou shalt not forsake the name of my dairy nipples in vain!"

by ANOTHERDEADROMEO February 27, 2023

Dairy Bomb

A dairy driven form of revenge in which a lactose intolerant being consumes an entire brick of cheddar cheese. They will then appear at their enemies house, stand on their front lawn and whilst looking them in the eyes, unload an epic crap. (They should always remain standing!)

Bro talk about my mom like that again and I’ll dairy bomb your house

by September 12, 2021

dairy checking

Dairy checking, a popular saying in New Zealand denoting the situation whereby one needs to go to multiple dairy’s to find what they want. Akin to checking in with lots of people to see their availability. Similar to to diary checking.

I’m going to have to go dairy checking to sort this out.

by Chunkle June 20, 2023

Legend wait for it dairy

Said by the greatest tag team in wrestling

Did you see Jake Cage and Jay Evans last night

Yeah they were legend wait for it dairy

by Gtsthewolf October 16, 2021

warm dairy

When milk sits out for a little too long and is a little too similar to semen to make you comfortable to drink it

Yo nig, want some warm dairy?
Nah bruh, looks like yah semen.

by warmdairy September 21, 2014

Dairy trained

Insertion of any dairy products into one’s partners asshole as a means of sexual fore play.

So I have some yogurt in the fridge, wanna get dairy trained?

by Pickle Reid August 17, 2017