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Demi-Panromantic Gray-Asexual

The Demi part means that you're not romantically attracted to people unless you form a strong bond with them. Therefore, when you see random people or whatever, you don't feel attracted to them unless you fall for their personality after you get to know them. So, you don't really get "crushes" like most people do.

The Panromantic part means that if/when you fall for someone, they could be any gender, meaning that you could be attracted to any gender or gender identity.

The Gray-Asexual part means several things, but for example: you feel sexual attraction infrequently, or a low intensity of it, to few people, or only in specific circumstances; that you feel sexual attraction but have no desire to act on it; that you have ambiguous or confusing feelings toward sexual attraction; or that you feel that sexual attraction is not a meaningful concept to you.

They're Demi-Panromantic Gray-Asexual

by Qwertyppa August 13, 2018

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Demi Lavoto Juice


Jack: I saw someone injecting Demi Lavoto Juice in that neighborhood

by Lil Mayonnaise August 2, 2018

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mega-demi combo

The idealistic situation of a mega god and demi god working towards the same goal of one's junk. The thing that only dreams are made of.

Last night i was dreaming about me and a mega-demi combo. Needless to say, that morning I had to wash my sheets.

by bsmsfunnelmaster May 23, 2009

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demi lesbian

an inclusive umbrella term that encompasses anyone whom wants to hold on to their former lesbian identity

Lesbian is one or the other, why not have a demi lesbian flag?

by suck_my_d33 June 15, 2021

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national slap demi day

august 10

happy national slap demi day

by a person that don't like ava August 9, 2021

Hemi Demi Semi Quaver

A rotten quaver that has been splooged on and the term โ€˜semiโ€™ comes from a semi boner. The founder of the word is Mc Goddard

woah timmy thereโ€™s no way your going to eat that Hemi Demi Semi Quaver

by Mc Goddick October 24, 2018

Valid Demi girl bisexual

This is for anyone thatโ€™s feeling non valid as a Demi girl bisexual :)

Hey this is my friend and theyโ€™re a valid Demi girl bisexual! Her name is raven and theyโ€™re the coolest!

by Frog and cats September 12, 2021

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