Any one of the hundreds of new electronic cigarettes available on the market today.
Justin knows he has to quit smoking but he likes it so much that now he is into the electric doobie.
It is when you place a killer doobie betwixt a girl's boobs and smoke it while it's there.
J and B will be doing a boobie doobie with a midget.
It is when you place a killer doobie betwixt a girl's boobs and smoke it while it's there.
J and B will be doing a boobie doobie with a midget.
It is when you place a killer doobie betwixt a girl's boobs and smoke it while it's there.
J and B will be doing a boobie doobie with a midget.
It is when you place a killer doobie betwixt a girl's boobs and smoke it while it's there.
J and B will be doing a boobie doobie with a midget.
It is when you place a killer doobie betwixt a girl's boobs and smoke it while it's there.
J and B will be doing a boobie doobie with a midget.