To show up to a place, party event, or meeting with friends a few minutes late, and somewhat intoxicated. The perfect phrase to let people know that you are fashionable enough to show up a few minutes late, and will be happily drunk when you arrive.
Matt: Hey we are going to the Up, when are you coming down?
Will: Kurt and I are at Kane's house right now, and will be showing up fashionably drunk.
Writing emails, posting comments, bulletins, or blogs on MySpace when inebriated. There is typically a moment of remorse the next morning.
"I'm sorry I commented you with that hardcore porn. I was drunk myspacing again. Don't tell Tom."
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When you're in college and you are super drunk.
Yeah man I was drunk cheddar last night and hurled all over the dorm steps
The name given to the designated driver on a big night out. Their sober eyes, ears and memory act as a "camera" documenting the crazy shit that happens to drunk people on a night out.
It was derived from the words "Drunk" and "Camera".
Drunk-Cams are the sober people, who on a night out are able to recall the events of the evening and relay them to their drunk partying mates the next day.
A good drunk-cam never misses an incident or indiscretion and will happily remind those involved the following day, or until sobriety arrives.
Q. "Oi, what the fuck happened to me last night? Check out this bruise, man, I think I was hit by car."
A. "Dude, you need to speak to Kylie, she was Drunk-Cam last night."
Extremely drunk, sometimes leading to driving, skiing, or sexual "incidents" of tragic proportion.
I got Kennedy drunk last weekend and woke up tattooed and naked on a bare mattress next to some uggo.
When you become drunk off only a couple of drinks the morning after a gnarly night on the town.
How is duty so drunk off only a couple peach schnapps? Oh dude she got righteous last night she's just shampoo drunk. Oh that's chill
After a night of drinking, you start poking people on Facebook you would not normally converse with otherwise.
Why is Chris poking everyone on his friends list? I haven't talked to him in like 5 years.
He drunk poked you. He did it to me, too.