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Call of Duty

A game that started recycling the game a few years ago. This game has a lot of 5-9 year old squeakers that think everyone is hacking. The only games that were not recycled were Advanced Warfare, the Modern Warfare Series, and Black Ops 2 (Campaign xD).

Game : (insert name here) is dominating you!
Guy : Kid, just leave and never pickup a Call of Duty game ever again.

by ExactlyChickenFilledWithFire July 19, 2015

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Call of Duty

This is a famous game series launched by the publishing group Activision and the three subsidiaries called Infinity Ward, Treyarch, and Sledgehammer Studios. Every year, there is a new game that holds new adventures. For example, Advanced Warfare launched a few months ago and there is now futuristic events going on in the storyline AND multiplayer. You receive exo suits and you can double tap A or X (or Space, for you Steam Users) and you will jump higher than any other Call of Duty. This brings a new horizon towards the battlefield. The anticipation towards the next Treyarch game is starting to grow. People are speculating between a Black Ops 3 or a World at War 2. There is also little breaching of gameplay within the community. (Or as you might call it, hacking)

Player 1: I like playing Call of Duty!
Gamer 1: Want to make a party to play against other users and have fun?

by RaGE Tricksy March 4, 2015

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Noodle Duty

v. To watch and protect the sweet, valuable noodles while they are cooking. Primarily to ensure that they do not stick to the bottom of the pan and that the water does not boil over.

Hey Ben, I'm going to go to the bathroom and not flush, you're on noodle duty until I get back.

by mrgnfnx February 17, 2009

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Call of Duty

Currently the best form of contraception known to man. It keeps the raping strictly to video games, rather than on the streets because we ALL know that these kids have never seen a real pair of tits before.

Sally: Hey John! Eat my pussy! :D

John: Umm... no... I'm playing call of duty right now, but what's a pussy? :O

Sally: -_- a doughnut...

John: Can you just bring it over? :(

Sally:... fuck you john

by Yeeeaaaa buddy! February 14, 2011

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call of duty

An excellent game with some of the best graphics and gameplay of all time. There are so many intense and fun single player misssions such as the British when you have to hold that bridge. Or as the Soviets when you have to rush the dock at Stalingrad or take that building.

Also has top notch multiplayer.

*Waits patiently for 2 year old DoD zealot to post something about how Call Of Duty sucks*

by Elitist January 18, 2004

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Call of Duty

A series of games made by Activsion that generally take place in WW2, Producers alternate between Treyarch and Infinity Ward. Treyarch made Call of Duty 3, and World at War. Infinity Ward made Call of Duty, CoD2, and CoD4 (The best of the bunch). Almost as good as sex.

Gamer 1: Wanna play Call of Duty?
Gamer 2: Sure, witch one?
Gamer 1: 4, Duh!

by Burkus November 28, 2008

30๐Ÿ‘ 51๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fidouchiary Duty

The act of being a douche bag for only reasons a douche bag would understand.

When Douche Bags keep it real and uphold their duty to doucheyness

a) "What was up with Tom popping bottles at that open bar event?"
b) "Yes as a douche bag, he was upholding his Fidouchiary Duty."
a) "Well played douche bag, well played..."

Another example:
Putting on jewelry, shiny print clothing, and extra cologne when going to the gym.

by DMoSlice January 30, 2012

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