A try hard in Video Game typically including Fortnite, CoD, Apex legends, and other battle royale types.
other nicknames include; XaoPillz, NotProtoss, and Ninja.
"Wow can you believe Pillz got 22 kills in that fortnite match? of course I can believe it He's a Giga Chad"
Someone with a crispy jaw line and can make a face called “the giga chad face”
A very high-powered male who also has the biggest muscles ever
Wow, that guy has really muscles he must be Giga Chad
uhm... sig... Sigma giga chad is a cringe word used by 8 year olds who play minecraft bedrock edition. It means: A good person but at the same time not really it's actually very complicated wait go away.
1st example: Bro I am sigma giga chad an furries are not
Sarcasm example: Bro this game is so sigma giga chad.
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