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Giga Chad


A try hard in Video Game typically including Fortnite, CoD, Apex legends, and other battle royale types.

other nicknames include; XaoPillz, NotProtoss, and Ninja.

"Wow can you believe Pillz got 22 kills in that fortnite match? of course I can believe it He's a Giga Chad"

by Angrol June 18, 2024

Giga chad

Someone with a crispy jaw line and can make a face called “the giga chad face”

Yo dude do the giga chad face

by Giga savesta June 8, 2022

Giga Chad


“but wait I’m a guy
Giga Chad: “even better”

by Datb0i5055 August 5, 2022

Giga Chad

an absolute chad

wait but I’m a guy
Giga Chad: “even better”

by Datb0i5055 August 5, 2022

Giga chad


Sammy is giga chad

by Mr figjdhxbdu did March 6, 2023

Giga Chad

A very high-powered male who also has the biggest muscles ever

Wow, that guy has really muscles he must be Giga Chad

by D0raTh3Expl0r3r June 26, 2023

Sigma giga chad

uhm... sig... Sigma giga chad is a cringe word used by 8 year olds who play minecraft bedrock edition. It means: A good person but at the same time not really it's actually very complicated wait go away.

1st example: Bro I am sigma giga chad an furries are not
Sarcasm example: Bro this game is so sigma giga chad.

by Puppets meme book October 24, 2023

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