"I bought the Purple Rain album for our 11 year old."
- Tipper Gore, 1985.
A very awful place to be......school.
Place full of demons and haters.
School sucks,bishop gore school for example
Ethan Goring is the best thing that has ever happened to me, I love him with every inch of my heart ♥
A gore addiction is when ur addicted 2 gore like me. I zont know anything else abt it tho. It just fucks up your mind. I legit started watching gore about a month ago and I’m extremely sadistic and masochistic now. it just fucks you up. Don’t watch it. My gore addiction started when I was getting curious and I looked up some gore website. Do NOT look up gore, even just looking up gore once can fuck you up, especially if you’re a child. This addiction has basically ruined my fucking life. My depression got way worse and now I’ve just become so depressed that I’m just basically numb to everything now, I feel like nothing matters. Seriously, don’t look up gore, even if you think you won’t get addicted to it. And if you are already addicted to gore then try and stay away from looking at blood and sharp objects because I’ve noticed that I personally get triggered easily by them and it just causes a relapse
Person 1: I’ve got a gore addiction
Person 2: that shit fucks up lives, man
Person 1: pluh
Toby Gore is a hottie with a large pp
p1: woah did you see Tobygoremustdie's new post?
p2:yeah! Toby Gore is so cool!
another way of asking " who is, or will be, the biggest loser when it comes to unpopular political decisions/strategies/speeches" especially in the US presidential campaign
girl : have you heard of Geraldo Rivera's new phrase whose ox is being gored?
boy: absolutely
girl: what do you think about it?
boy: well, we'll have to wait till election night, but right now, when it comes to whose ox is being gored, right I think it's neither Donald Trump nor Hilary Clinton, but actually the American public, the independent media as well as the US economy.
another way of asking " who is, or will be, the biggest loser when it comes to unpopular political decisions/strategies/speeches" especially in the US presidential campaign
girl : have you heard of Geraldo Rivera's new phrase whose ox is being gored?
boy: absolutely
girl: what do you think about it?
boy: well, we'll have to wait till election night, but right now, when it comes to whose ox is being gored, right now I think it's neither Donald Trump nor Hilary Clinton, but actually the American public, the independent media as well as the US economy.