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darren holiday

A darren holiday is a trip that is planned or arranged that never actually happens.

A false promise!

I've been on 20 darren holidays this year (when in reality u've been on none)

"lets go to Babados" says Neil
"ok" replies Andy
"sounds like a darren holiday to me" responds John

by KampKev October 8, 2007

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Holiday Comedown

The feeling after New Years for the first part of January where you realize the holidays are officially over and not only will you have to wait 11 months to re-experience the joy you felt during this time, you have to return to the norm (school, work, etc.) knowing there won't be much to look forward to for a while unfortunately. Usually lasts about a week to a month, though extreme cases may not wear off until spring.

Similar to Holiday Withdrawal

Poor Tom. He's started his holiday comedown knowing Christmas is over and he has to go back to school on Monday.

by Gaaraofthedamned January 2, 2012

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Holiday Fever

When you look for a fling or romance because you are on holiday.

They are not going to last, they got together in Bali but it was Holiday Fever!

by forceman January 19, 2013

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Holiday Honcho

The art of painting your penis as a candy cane then proceeding to get a blowjob, then when you jizz you give her the frosty outlining of the candy cane on her lips and face.

Ho ho ho, I gave Mrs. Claus a mean Holiday Honcho, she is a hoe oh fo sho.

by Jarret Carder November 21, 2007

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Portuguese Holiday

when construction workers have a day off or get sent home early due to rain.

Hey, Manuel, the forecast calls for heavy rain tomorrow. Looks like we're going to have a Portuguese Holiday this week.

by IntegraMark October 14, 2011

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Roman Holiday

A song by Nicki Minaj in her album Pink Friday Roman Reloaded

β€œRoman holiday, oh Roman holiday”

by LilSammie96 January 21, 2021

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Holiday Rape

When you are forced to go on a holiday with family to an isolated location. Usually you'd rather stay at home because of an incentive unknown to the rest of your family (such as wanting to hold a party or wanting to have your girlfriend over). You are often forced because the family doesn't trust you enough to stay at home alone or you are not yet of adult age. This is often a dilemma for people of ages ~17 because they are close to being of adult age but are still forced to go away with family and be bored while everyone back in your home city/town seem to be having the time of their life.

Edward: Oh shit I'm being Holiday Raped, my parents won't let me stay home over the next 3 weeks. Instead I'm forced to waste the rest of my school holidays in some shithole.

Jess: Thats rough, your gonna miss Holly's 18th for a family holiday.

by eddyboy69 January 10, 2009

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