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What is motion?

Don’t take my motion

by February 3, 2024


some you niggas n bitches not having..

man she gettn motionnnn...

by k.keraa January 19, 2023


A slang term used to describe someone or something that holds great status or opportunities the average person wouldn't have access to.

Person #1: Why does no one crack a smile when I say a joke but start hysterically when Ethan says it

Person #2: Ever since he scored that one touchdown last friday he's had a lot of motion recently.

by WBK Sway March 5, 2023


So basically its having a gyat but when you moveit moves like jelly.

Yo look at that girl she got motion!

by bombaclot.0 February 24, 2024


1. having, making, or spending money or opportunities

2. having sexual relations or partners

1. I got hella motion; look at my bands
2. Damn bro, you get hella motion from these hoes

by kevv_fr7071 December 11, 2023


Money, go get some cause you broke

Go get you some motion

by finnbitch March 6, 2023


Something you niggas don't got 😭

🧍🏾 ♀️: I heard these niggas don't got motion

Me: cause they don'tt

by Onthereallll01 October 6, 2022