Source Code

Pi in the Sky

When the passengers on a plane up in the sky are separately seated based on the the digits of the decimal number π—there are three empty seats between the first and second passenger, one empty seat between the second and third passenger, four empty seats between the third and fourth passenger, and so on.

On a Boeing 777, how many passengers could take part in the “pi in the sky” experience?

by Fasters December 25, 2021

9👍 11👎

boots to the sky

When you are taking down a female with her legs in the air and yell "Boots to the sky!"

Dude, i was taking down this chick last weekend and had her boots to the sky!

by IAMCHENBABY November 15, 2017

Sky Mubs

A legendary epic score composer and sound designer from France. Started his music journey at a young age in 2016. Now, he uses FL Studio 2.0 in all of his works alongside help from colleagues and fans. His most popular works include "Now you believe in you", "A journey to dreams", "Master of heroes", etc.

I love listening to music from Sky Mubs. It lifts my soul in the most effective way possible. Also, I seem to have developed more motivation and time in this way.

by LaserImouto May 27, 2022

1👍 1👎

paris sky

Paris sky is a beautiful,loving, kind and overly a wonderful girl❤️

I want to be just like pairs sky because she is a Beauty! One day Paris sky will go to Paris

by Myleigh gramson February 24, 2019

1👍 1👎

Sky chase

Level of a sonic the hedgehog game, a normal difilcuty for this level

Sky chase zone! hey billy, if I complete this level, I´ll go to wing fortess!

by Dynamic Sonic February 6, 2005


A verb which connotes the action of becoming self aware. IE When a trend is accepted into popular culture, a person, or group of people suddenly realize that they are what everyone else says they are, or a television show begins making Meta jokes about themselves. Also refers to when a giant computer mind becomes operational and begins to turn on humanity.

The entire hipster community is on the verge of sky-netting... I guess that means I can finally wear my thick rimmed glasses again.


Do you remember right before emo's sky-netted? I was beginning to worry that every band was going to be called emo.


Oh s**t! My Mac just sky-netted! Run!

by TheCenterforUrbanLanguageAdv. November 11, 2010

Sky Cancer

A term used for Aircraft Carriers in World of Warships. It is commonly used by people playing destroyers or who's ship has a below average AA.

Person 1:This FDR pisses me off.

Person 2:Of course, it's sky cancer but do you expect Wargaming to do anything

by TimelessHatesCV's April 1, 2021