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Taint jockey

A taint jockey is a person who is annoying you,a person that is a suck up, or just a person acting like a deusche bag.

He's always Brown nosing. He's such a taint jockey

by Hydsuperstars January 5, 2018

PP Jockey

A male or female that loves to ride a male penis. Performing intercourse with a male. Usually willing to fornicate at any time.

Girl you are a little PP Jockey!

by HopDaddy August 3, 2018

spoon jockey

Someone who be going against they race and shit.

Chris Chan is a spoon jockey white boy

by LordSillyNipples June 25, 2020

Frump Jockey

A man who dates/marries/fucks frumps.

Did you see that chick Bill is fucking?

Ya, he's a total frump jockey.

by themstherules September 23, 2010


Derogatory term for someone of African decent, similar to nigger, spook, coon, or gatorbait.

Jerry: Hey, Tim, what happened to your VCR?
Tim: Some damn Cotton-Jockey stole it last night.
Jerry: Figures.

by Special_Agent_Jack_Bauer12 March 14, 2012

Wizz Jockey

An insult to use on someone who is being pissy or for someone who is obsessed with piss or has a piss kink because that is something people deserve to get bullied for. It can also be used as a general insult.

Friend 1: Ughh I want her to pee in my mouth, is that weird?
Friend 2: Yeah you fucking wizz jockey

by 🅱 🅾️ 🅾️🅱ℹ️ November 6, 2020

Scrot Jockey

A derogatory term for a male who frequently handles other men's scrotums.

Sebastian is cool. Taylor, however, is a scrot jockey.

by DinosaurusDorian February 16, 2014