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Whenever you are sorta being a bitch.

Pronounced similar to the name "Nico"

Person 1: Murders Person 2's whole family

by Jerry Smith's Dog November 14, 2021

Ko Đamija

used when something is bad or when you have a bad day

"Oh hey Mark how are you?"
"Ko Đamija"

by Bobi graditelj April 5, 2022

Ko bo reducer

A term in Sepedi indicating a process in which one rests on the form of sleeping

Ke lapile, ko bo reducer.

by Ntando Mfenguza October 17, 2021

Ko bo reducer

A Sepedi term Indicating the process of one getting rest in the form of sleeping

Ke lapile, ko bo reducer.

by Ntando Bruce October 17, 2021

nathan ko

a boy i immediately liked at first sight, he’s funny, he’s sweet, and the way he talks is perfect, the whole guy is perfect. (he’s also in band and skates omfg)

hey look it’s a dreamy guy.”
“oh nathan ko!”

by someonefromurdream October 21, 2021

KO King

Person who constantly falls asleep. Cannot stay awake more than a few hours, often sleeps for days/weeks at a time. Only wakes up to eat and moan. Sometimes due to alcohol but more common cause is just being a KO King

Look at him asleep over there, such a KO King

There Carl goes again, sleeping as usual! He's the KO King

The KO King just woke up

by The Mal May 12, 2013

kimi wa dekinai ko

"i love you very much" in Japanese.

person 1: "kimi wa dekinai ko!!"
person 2: "awwww thanks babe"

by umnamesamiright November 20, 2023