Source Code

The Matrix Drug

MAtrix a.k.a coricidin pills.. cough medicine found on store shelves (except here we stole too much and they removed them) take too many and you trip balls. take 10 you trip for a couple hours or so. take 18 you trip for a day. take 32 you trip for around a week.
(suggestion) Do what I did. take 10, then three hours later take 18 more, then 6 hours later take 18 more, then 6 hours later take 20. You will trip for what seems forever.

We danced all night tripping on The Matrix Drug.

by Boot2thehead816 July 18, 2006

13๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Matrix Revolutions

Third and Final movie in the Matrix Trilogy

The Matrix Revolutions came out to day. w00t

by B33fer November 6, 2003

11๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

what is the matrix

Something you will never know/understand

some things you'll just never understand

leave this page and go on with your simple life

by eejit July 28, 2004

35๐Ÿ‘ 50๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of orgasming on a womans face so that ejaculate drips down creating the appearance of computer code.

I finished banging Mary in the ass and finidshed up by giving her a Matrix.

by the guy named bob b May 3, 2006

1๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Matrix attack

It's not a fucking Matrix attack Jesus Christ ate you motherfuckers corny.

Hym "Again. It ain't a fucking 'Matrix attack' you fucking gomers. Jesus, you guys are absurd. That would be convenient for you though, wouldn't it? Because if it's not a Matrix attack, then you've been promoting a rapist AND PEDOPHILE (Because if I fucked a 16 year old I'd be considered a pedophile) for years while simultaneously refusing to promote and/or poaching a NOT rapist (as I have raped 0 people). Really guys... I'm loving this. Russell taught them the ways of 'TRUE love'.... By force. What's that Jordan Peterson always says? 'If you're willing to use force then blahblahblah I'll probably still have him on my podcast because I don't give a fuck about rape' ~ Jordan Peterson (I'm paraphrasing a bit but that SOUNDS like something he would say)"

by Hym Iam September 20, 2023

matrix it up

When a movie is horrible but the producers try to compensate with an abundance of special effects.

Assistant:"Sir, the movie did horrible in the screen testings."
Producer:"Well, here's twenty million. Matrix it up and give them something pretty to look at.

by blitztwo November 12, 2008

Matrix Shit

A complex idea.

Have you heard of the Socratic paradox? That's some matrix shit right there.

by PapaPe June 29, 2020