Source Code


It wouldn’t be horrible to say lion share of the reviews on this game are extremely biased and opinionated, forsaking the fact and logic. “This game is very addictive!”, “Graphics don’t matter”.. These are all (wrong) opinions.

Like all MMORPG’s, RuneScape shares the most common characteristic of all of them; Numerical based stats, and the boring, time-consuming, and above all repetive acts of acheiving them. All MMORPG’s are basically an insult to a person’s intelligence; it’s always the same dull thing. No surprises, just buffing up your avatar/character.

Point, click. The only instances where one would use the keyboard would be chatting — Trust me, there isn’t much worth talking to.

What’s wrong, not in depth enough? The generality holds true for the entire game. God forbid someone tried to simplify the repetive actions in the game with a macro! This forsakes the TRUE users, who perform the mind-numbingly simple actions for hours on end, by hand! Those PERVERTS.

Point, click.

A pedophiles paradise; Not one runescape user has even a follicle of public hair.

On the message boards, one of the rules is not to mention competitive games (Blatant fucking bureaucracy).

“With other updates featuring clockwork toys, fairground grabbing claws and rocking chairs, we know you won’t be disappointed!”

Rocking chairs? Holy shit.. I mean, fuck World of Warcraft’, we got chairs that ROCK… That isn’t worth 5 dollars a month, in my book, especially in the year 2006.

"RuneScape is so addictive!"

"I'm an idiot because I use the word I in my runescape definition!"

"It consumed my life, It's runescape"

by Tony Eberly May 16, 2006

32👍 36👎


1-One of the worst games ever made
2-A game that ruins peoples life and causes them to not go outside and become losers

My friend never comes outside since he started to play runescape

by Matt The Best person ever June 5, 2005

152👍 208👎


A game developed by the British company JaGeX (Java Gaming eXperts) the game became massively popular among young people (under 13 year olds even though the games rules state you must be 13+) the game lost a significant amount of popularity after the loss of "PKing" (player killing) even though it was a small part of the game and you could still kill other players the mind of an eleven year old is i want it my way and if i don't get it ill have a hissy fit.

1 H4T3 U JOOGX!!111
1 W4NT 0LD RO0NESC4P3!!!11

Runescape - the massive online adventure game by Jgex Ltd.

by Zarfay April 19, 2008

8👍 6👎


One of the greatest on-line MMPORPG (Masively Multiplayer Online RPG). It is completely Java, yet 3-D. Extremely addictive and they are coming out with a completely 3-D version soon.

Runescape pwns j00 n00bz0r!!!

by Vivec March 16, 2004

55👍 68👎


An MMORPG which, according to numerous people, makes you homosexual if you play it, for some inexplicable reason. Whilst it is repetitive in places, it is also insanely addictive if graphical quality is ignored and the game is given a chance.

User: ....Indeed.

by Anon February 16, 2005

47👍 57👎


One of the shittiest MMORPGs out there. Other than having suck ass controls, the sprites are blocky and strange looking. If you play this game and enjoy it, you probably have never played another MMORPG and/or have no life.

No, sorry, I can't go out with you, I play RuneScape.

by Adam Carey March 9, 2005

41👍 49👎


An ok game that is pretty addictive. Most of the meanings here describe it as a crappy game-it is in some respects. I'm level 29 and proud of it. It has quests. Which most of are impossible. But its an interesting game. Check it out at runescape.com .

Addicted 1: Can I have that rune helm? I'll give you 100 000 gp...
Addicted 2: No, **** off..
Addicted 2: stupid censors...

by SimMastaCopter November 23, 2004

41👍 49👎