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Someone desperate enough to seek attention that they talk shit about a kind of person that doesn't exist outside themselves. Someone that doesn't even know they're talking about themselves every time they try to make fun of somebody else or start another bullshit argument with somebody else over stupidity, and try and get somebody hurt over it.

The bubbly girl was usually talking about herself when she tried to make fun of somebody else, kind of like Joan Rivers. Anything that would draw attention back to her bullshit, because she had always been a narcissist.

by The Original Agahnim June 17, 2021


Someone that tries to pick fights with people they thought were weaker/more foolish than themselves (as most bullies/instigators would).

Zeus knew no law higher than herself, which is why she always tried to walk over anybody she thought was weaker than herself. She mostly saw herself in everyone and everything, because she was a narcissist.

by The Original Agahnim January 4, 2022


By adopting the name of her brother's childhood neighborhood (not her own, as she wasn't originally from there) she could make one more of many things in life (if not everything, as always) about herself instead of about the issue.

The narcissist would always try to stand in front of the forest (which she was planning on clear cutting anyway, until she was the only thing left to see, except since she hated being alone, she needed to leave a few things left around to see her so that she wouldn't have to stand alone, cowards usually don't like to have to stand alone) like a tree so that everyone would only see her and not the bigger picture (how small not only they were in comparison to her as they were always told by her, but also how small she really was right along with the rest of everyone else).

by The Original Agahnim February 2, 2022


A female that assumes every guy wants to fuck a Kardashian.

The narcissist saw herself when she looked at Kim Kardashian, because she thought every guy secretly wanted to fuck her.

by The Original Agahnim November 26, 2021


Someone that thinks of themself as a shepard/shepardess, someone people wouldn't make it without.

The bubbly girl thought she single handedly built the skyline of a city she wasn't even originally from, and that people that were originally from that city owed her something for it, because she was a true narcissist. She was always the kind of person quick to talk about somebody else's inflated sense of worth, but couldn't see her own, or her own double standards for what they were. She could see through the rungs of everyone's ladders but her own.

by The Original Agahnim October 9, 2021


Someone that thinks their hair looks great even if it looks bad.

Girl- I like your hair.

Narcissist- I like it too, and I like your compliment, because it reminds me of myself, and I like anything that reminds me of myself. Except my hair, my hair looks like shit.

Girl- It's the worst hair I've ever seen sir, you should do something about it.

by The Original Agahnim May 31, 2021


Someone that writes a definition about another narcissist, meanwhile they live by the double standard of thinking they are prettier than this other person.

Hey, that dude lives by a double standard, I'm gonna poke fun at him, he doesn't even know he's the narcissist, not me.

by The Original Agahnim November 15, 2021