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Smack Off

Once a year, by invite only, Jim Rome lets his callers insult each other and various sports figures. Sort of the way he insulted Jim Everett by calling him Chris. Except Jim R. got Smacked by Jim E.

You can only be invited if you were stupid enough to sit on hold for 3 hours on one of his previous shows just to insult someone. If you call got racked (accepted) you could be in the smack off. I prefer the Snatch Off. Where Hookers and Clones get together and do the nasty. Fat guys like the snack off. Nothing like cheetos and masterbation. Orange Julius anyone?

Jeff in Richmond won the smack off once. And he sucked. Sean usually wins, because he blows rome before the show.

by The Silk Brah March 13, 2008

92๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

go off

A (usually) humorous statement that is called out when somebody has finished ranting, somebody is yelling, makes some sort of grand or ridiculous gesture, or even when you hear a loud noise, like a car horn.

Almost always meant to draw laughter from those surrounding you.

In traffic:

"Damn, I mean go off"

by Ross-ross July 1, 2019

78๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

off the market

Taken. Not single. Someone whom you should leave the fuck alone.

Can be abbreviated to OTM.

Yo, dude. You best quit chasing after her. She's off the market.

by HolyMolly March 5, 2008

160๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

Off the shits

Short term is OTS, This means a person is either high drunk or rolling. Rolling is the slang term for high on a pill. Originated in Chicago but now known wide because of a rap group known as GBE.

Just smoked a thoint i'm off the shits

This flat got me off the shits

Sippin on this hen i'm off the shits

by ChicagoNative February 11, 2013

190๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

jill off

The female version of jack off: unassisted autoerotic stimulation.

Her boyfriend was out of town, so she got in the hot tub to jill off.

by Brown Sugar March 19, 2003

3749๐Ÿ‘ 681๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pop Off

A term that means to go crazy. When you pop off you do really well in a videogame, rant, argument, or school. Its used all the time during casual talk and can hint that they want you to calm down. Popular people use this term loosly and its hard to precisely define it.

Damn Kiera your popping off
pop off on me then oh my god.

by TheOGDefiner69 May 14, 2019

222๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž


When you message somebody on Facebook, and later check back to find they haven't replied, but they've seen your message. Being given the seen-off may be intentional or unintentional, but it usually feels cold and rejecting

Guy 1 messaging Guy 2:
Hey man, how's it going? we haven't talked in ages... how's college going for you?

2 days later: 'Seen 12:47 PM'

Guy 1: I'm getting the seen-off. He hates me.

by Derpymuffins October 11, 2013

20๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž