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Beef farm

When a herd of fuck boys get together for "bro's night" and forget to hit on women.

Man, last night went from party status to beef farm real fast when the ladies didn't show up.

by Tik Tak Bro May 2, 2015

Titty Farm

A noun describing an area with a vast amount of titties

Wow bro my new neighborhood is a regular titty farm.

by Pimp Cunt February 2, 2019

french farming

Term used when your friend is trying to get a girl. Talking/flirting her up.

Bro, do you know where LJ is?

Yeah, he’s over there french farming.

by akeno’ December 10, 2020

Moisture Farming

Moisture farming is when you are fingering you girlfriends butt hole and it get to dry to go deeper. So, you got the pussy to get you fingers wet. Then you drop back into the butt hole.

Her asshole was to dry for one finger so I did some moisture farming then 2 fingers went right in.

Famous quote" My uncle is a Moisture Farmer." Luke Skywalker

by Krrrap March 18, 2016

Farm Tool

An alcholic with very bad aim. Usually hidden under the name Agent Utah this member of team PUBBERS, likes to reach into the excuse bag with famous quotes such as "Site A is Clear" "Behind You" and "The sun is in my eyes" or the most famous "Im Drunk". Leave it to Farm to miss the game winning shot, or to make a very very bad call.

I just got killed in A, Farm Tool you said A was clear

by PUBBERS#1 June 6, 2009

4👍 1👎

face farming

the act of growing a beard and/or mustache.

"sweet face farming, dotson. I've never seen you with a goatee"

by blue eyes, yo March 4, 2010

Farm biscuit

Corn feed girl ugly as hell

Boy 1: hey you see that girl?
Boy 2: yea she's a farm biscuit bro!

by Wizzidy January 27, 2015