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Wikipedia loop

The state of continually, endlessly following links from one page to the next on Wikipedia linking topics that grow progressively distant from what you originally searched.

I started out looking up information on Ford cars and ended up on a page about Animal Farm. I was in quite the Wikipedia loop. aka wikipedian loop and wikiloop

by Benny123 November 9, 2015

Loop of the Day

A round of golf enjoyed by a caddie for the various reasons: Good golfers that play at a fast pace, usually early in the morning. Reward by handsome financial compensation.

The caddies still in the yard were hating on Victor when he was finished by noon with $250 in his pocket. He had the loop of the day.

by MasterCaddy September 22, 2019

goog loops

A reference to the popular cereal Froot Loops, but instead of Froot Loops it is replaced with ecstasy pills. Don't forget the milk.

Guy 1:Bruh you wanna finish this bowl of goog Loops with me
Guy 2: Hell yeah!

by conesforbreakfast November 19, 2017

Quantum Loop

When you twist your penis in between your legs and stick it in your butthole. Self anal sex.

"Is he giving himself the quantum loop?"
"Why yes he is, you should try it sometime."

by Call_8304765664 December 13, 2019

1👍 1👎

nested loops

A loop inside of a loop

"What are nested loops?"
"A loop inside of a loop dude!"

by YasQween April 8, 2018

random loop

A state of being, similar to a coma, in which you are stuck in a loop of pressing random on websites, looking at whats there, and pressing random or f5 again. Is frequently done on: Urban Dictionary, Stumbleupon, 4chan, Twitter and similar sites.

Rob: Damn man I was up 'till 4:20 this morning.

Lee: Yeah that essay was hard.

Rob; F@#$! I completely forgot about that, I was stuck in a random loop the whole time. On top of a youtube loop.

by Rob9001 January 5, 2010

Faloopy Loop

an ancient creature that lived long ago....

I like faloopy loops they sound like froot loops.

by royisbannedfromanal April 23, 2021