A holy person who owns the discord sever .
All hail Discord Owner Barnz
Either someone chill or a total ego blown retard, some trying to just make money off of others gullible moods or just trying to brighten others day. Some are good some are bad, some are memorable
Did you see Chronic.memes.v2 ? Their memepage owner must be really cool
Filthymemewhore’s memepage admin is really bamboozling
Describes da status of something's being really "difficult 'n' debilitating" due to da fact dat an object belongs to you, and thus you are obligated to perform certain strength/patience/money-sapping activities regarding said possession.
Caring for hogs can be a very ownerous undertaking.
A task so challenging it owns the crap out of you. Pun on "onerous", which has a slightly, but detectable, different pronunciation.
Man, I am wiped out trying to get that code finished by the end of the week, it's really ownerous.
It's Everyday, Deal with it.
It's Discord Owner Day today!
December 18 is the discord owner day. Where the owner is allowed to mute all staff members so they can relax
owner: imma mute every staff cause its discord owner day
a man who owns a mexican store
I've heard of a man who runs a Mexican Store in the desert.. he goes by the Mexican Store Owner.