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Penile Dementia

The inability of an older man to gain and maintain an erection due to an inability to concentrate on the task at hand

When you can’t stop thinking about the garden when you should be concentrating on you’re wife’s lady garden, you might be suffering from Penile Dementia.

by David99uk December 13, 2017

Penile Servitude

The sentence that is passed on straight males for an utterly unspeakable and unforgivable crime.

It is served out in the penile colony, where you will be servicing all of the butch faggots who have been sent there also for unforgivable and unspeakable crimes.

You have been sentenced to Penile Servitude in the penile colony for the term of your natural life.

by RTM 1963 July 5, 2023

penile distinction

When you can distinguish peniles.

Mom! The doctir said I have penile distinction! I can distinguish peniles!

by Chillin0nPlanetEarth January 4, 2022

Penile excruciate

A new hip drug term for when you cum in a bong, put weed in then take FAAAAAAAT rips.

Hey man let's have a good old Penile excruciate

by GusTheGhoul3000 April 26, 2020

penile decrepitude

Very similar to senile decrepitude only its not your brain that is soft.
Similar to whiskey dick.
A serious softening of the penis.

Hey man what is wrong with me?!?!?! Not even that wild ass HOT red head could get me hard last night. I must be getting old or something...

No man it was all that tequila you drank.
Yea but she was SO HOT... and she sat on my face for a half hour and nothing...
Wow dude you must have penile decrepitude setting in.

by word jockey September 8, 2013

Penile Purgatory

That point of waiting after round one for your penile facilities to return for round two.

Hold on a minute. I’m in penile purgatory!

by Dickolas Cage November 10, 2019

Penile depression

You can't get hard enuff to fuck and makes me want to die

Man my penile depression is really hitting me hard and I don't mean literally.

by The most awesome April 18, 2019