Pierre Alexandre is a quite amazing guy, who loosing his hair. He has some difficulties in french but we can put the responsability on the teacher. To combine works and series is his strategy. He is a perfect boyfriend, but his bed's level is unknown. You have to try it!!
pierre alexandre we love you
When a poop is coming out and one tries to retain it
Let me go first I'm pieree dogging it.
Damn where's the bathroom I've been pierre dogging it all day.
When you fall for some stupid shit or say something dumb.
„Oh, Pierre have you ever been to Dees?“ „No, I haven't, where is it?“ damn, what a Pierre moment
It's the type of person you see and don't know what they are: boy? girl? Most of the time they are singing...
The quintessential well rounded one. Unable to to give a f*@#! about the minutiae yet proficient in life overall. Born gifted, often graduates from the Streets & impact lives in a Godly fashion.
"And I tell you that you are Pierre, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”