A sexual position in which the woman is on the bottom on her back.
Hey baby let's use the missonary position tonight.
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The complete opposite of a Negative Nancy. One who always looks at the brighter side of things. With Positive Patty, the glass is always half full.
Nig nog: Momma, why we gots no food ta eats?
Positive Patty: Nigga, at least you gots a roof over yo head. Now go play with yo friends outside while I get my $220 hair did.
Nig nog: Officer, I swear I was going the speed limit, I've never even gotten a speeding ticket before!
Positive Patty: Now sir if you cooperate everything will be alright, jail isn't such a bad place after all.
Nig nog: Fuck niggas the po-lice is comin' and I be fucked UP!
Positive Patty: We'll be fine.
Nig nog: Why da whyte man gotta keep us down?
Positive Patty: Lemonjalow, if it weren't for the white man, who would be paying for your welfare checks?
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-receiving an STD through underwater fornication (sex)
-How was the underwater sex??? Was it everything you thought it would be???
-Ya it was sick but... I got an STD...
-You serious?
-dude... I'm H20 positive...
^get it? play on words there
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The many ways and postures in which a man can have a piss. There are basically infinite Piss Positions, so here's some. Remember, these are guy's positions.
1: The Classic
This one needs no introduction. Begin standing up, with the genitals facing your target (toilet, tree, brick, whatever). Begin to urinate.
2: Squats
Squat over target. Begin urine stream.
3: Parkour (basic)
Stand a few feet away from target. Piss.
4: Advanced Parkour
Stand on a far away and slightly elevated object. Run and do parkour while keeping your stream on the target object.
5: Freestyle
Make one up! It's easy.
After going to the bar and having many drinks, Joe went camping with his friends, and joined them in inventing some new Piss Positions.
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A position two people use when there is a need for warmth. The position is the same as spooning. Both persons are laying on their sides the back of one person touching the front of the other.
Two men were lost on a snowy mountian. They had to stay in the cold overnight, so in order to stay warm they told the media they got in the survival position, in order to prevent hypothermia.
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When you are stuck between a rock and a hard place, and you have a lot on your hands.
That's the management position.
You're getting fucked by people under you and fucked by people above you. Literally.
"Hey man, great job on that management position, you really had your hands, mouth and ass full. I think you really enjoyed being inbetween a cock and a hard place"
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a sexual position in which the female crouches on the ground and the male crouches higher behind her, giving her anal sex. there is thrusting and hopping.
Guy #1: Dude, we totally did kangaroo position last night. Only it sucked cuz Tracey is a narcoleptic and she collapsed halfway through.
Guy #2: Well, thats the luck ain't it.
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