RIB(run it back) is a group of losers who smell like shit. They usually throw lame ah parties.
You see that white boy, yeah he’s a rib!
RIB (run it back) is a group of losers that smells like absolute shit who does lame ah parties.
a filipino slang word for DESERVE
Alicia: Noo, i died when i was on the maze
Phoebe: LOL RIBS
A Roblox animator type of YouTuber who is currently struggling with mental issues and is sending death threats to her subscribers.
Person A : Bro have you heard what’s happening with Ribs
Person B : No , Why?
Person A : Apparently she’s dealing with mental illness so she’s sending death threats to her subscribers
Restless Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Yeah dude, I would love to have some hot wings with you but my RIBS are acting up so it would be dangerous for me.
roblox content creator who hates her fans and likes kids
evil ribs be like "i like my fans and don't like kids that much"