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A dried crust of old blood cells on a healing wounds, aka a real treat!

A very delightful experience. Picking one of these off of your own skin or the skin of a loved one is akin to seeing a peek at God.
To have several scabs to pick at once is to have enjoyment beyond measure.

Hey look! That lady has a huge scab on her arm!!!!
Oooohhhhh please ask her nicely if we could pick it!

by Bbgundry September 15, 2022


Yeah, I know what the fucking term scab means you fucking clown.

Hym "I'm obviously alluding to the fact that they're bitching about not getting paid when I've made material contributions to things for which I have not been paid. Really. I know I'm not a scab. You have to know this. Man, they are just tossing those phds around aren't they? You know... That I know... That YOU KNOW I both know what the term scab means and that I can't be one because OTHER PEOPLE are actively getting paid for this. Like... Why do you think I don't know that?"

by Hym Iam October 11, 2023


Am I a scab?

Hym "Michael! Mike! MICHAEL! Am I a scab? Am I going to get paid from the writer's strike or is the guy who stole my work and put it in an Anthony Mackie movie going to get paid more? Is HE a scab!? I don't know what a scab is."

by Hym Iam September 20, 2023


Useless things to cover up a cut. Go ahead and pick one off right now and you will get what I'm talking about.

Oh, look a scab! *rips it off*

by RespectablePyramid September 29, 2020


The greatest group to ever exist. Included amazing thg editors and Josh Hutcherson stans😎💪

The coolest group with 26 members including the one and only Scab(Ava)

We also stan Wilma :)
🦶-lily 2022

Scabfanpage on TikTok

"Yo have you heard of the TikTok scab group?" -person 1

"Yes I really want to be apart of it they seem really cool"-person 2

by Joshiferstan:) February 13, 2022


someone who takes your stuff behind your back

"tianna was scabbing your food today"

by ravenmane01 May 29, 2020


To be mean, unfair or to be unlucky

He was so scab to her when he graded her paper so harshly.

She’s so scab when someone hit her car.

by Styles#1fan June 30, 2023