Source Code

spin art

An abbreviation for spinach-artichoke dip.

"Have you been to O'Charley's?"

"Yeah, they have some really good spin art."

by Ti-na-na-na September 2, 2006

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deadly spins

obligatory centrifuge one finds themselves on after getting "drunked up" -the rotating voice informing one, 'ITS' PUKING TIME, DUDE!!' -arrival of the knowledge its' time for one to find a 'safe' place to puke!!

dean thought he was going to end the night 'clean', until it became clear he had the deadly spins!!
judy has just bared her tits and was dancing, when she became damned by the deadly spins!!

by michael foolsley January 24, 2010

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Spin the Taylor

A game, usually played with a group of men and women, perhaps in addition to or after drinking, that involves spinning a Taylor in turn, and the person who the Taylor stops spinning on must kiss the person who spun it. Taylor may make up any further rules.

Hey, let's play Spin the Taylor! Crazy stuff!

by squwid March 6, 2017

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spinning a record

A term given to describe the act of a woman masterbating by rubbing her fingers back and forth on her clitoris.

Man, my girlfriend loves spinning a record when I'm watching.

by Running_Wild May 18, 2017

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Spin the bottle

Spin the bottle (Also known as budget beyblades)

Spin the bottle is played by violently spinning two glass bottles at each other and whoever's breaks first is the loser.

Bonus points awarded if you get cut by the glass.

Incapacitation results in immediate loss.

Jack: Hey Steven want to play spin the bottle?
Steven: What no that's gay
Jack: What

Jack then smashes a bottle on stevens head and is proclaimed the winner.

by Patrick D. Purple October 22, 2020

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spin zone

Plot twist (It defines itself motherfucker)

"I really liked this movie, spin zone it fucking sucked."

by kdfajdsdl s;fhkae February 18, 2019

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The No Spin Zone

The place, on The O'Reilly Factor, in which it is claimed that politicians can not spin their arguments. But in truth, it is the place in which Bill O'Reilly can spin everything, and they can not even talk!

Guest: Well, I think that-

Bill O'Reilly: Fuck off, I hate you.

by Skelington December 2, 2003

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