The act of driving through a very deprived area in a car worth more than the area itself. Usually to get a rush out of the locals attempting to chase the driver.
"Oh darn it Edwin, I'm fed up of all this champagne - lets go slum surfing for a chuckle"
when you (out of boredom) scroll your mouse over to the doc on an apple comuter and surf on the icons back and forth so the icons make a wave.
I was so bored yesterday, I found myself Dock Surfing.
Going down streets and alleys looking for trash or junk that can be sold for money.
Jane enjoys alley surfing, especially when she finds scrap copper and other metals that can be sold and recycled. She is helping the environment.
When you are feeling not really happy but not really sad. Maybe under the influence of antidepressants.
Adam: Hey Fred how ya doing
Fred: Meh, so so just surfing the line.
When you take a crap while going on the internet on your laptop
Dude i really wanna sit and surf right now.
The act of ingesting half empty drinks or abandoned drinks in a bar when you are drunk and either too poor or tightfisted to buy a drink.
Usually has a number of bad consequences such as drinking spiked drinks, Getting confronted by the original owner of a drink. getting herps? and most likely ending up mangled in a few short minutes, depending how skilled a surfer you are.
Drunk Person 1: man drinks are well expensive here, £5 for a bottle of beer you gotta be kidding me.
Drunk Person 2: hey check it out "Drunk Person 1" theres a few beers over there that have been abandoned.
Drunk Person 1: Plan we should start drink surfing.
Drunk person 2: Sweet why didn't we do this before tonight
Drunk Person 1: this beers a little warm but man tastes nice been free.
Drunk Person 2: I found some more and this glass of something think its rum and coke. Pfftt tastes weak as hell.
Drunk person 1: haha can't complain, I hope no-one notices.
Later that night....
Drunk person 2: #phonecall to "Drunk Person 1" "Yo where did you end up, I just got out of hospital." - drink surf fail.
A spur of the moment type of love where you’re attracted to the crazy side of someone
Those two just meet and they’re already all over eachother, must be surf love