when your sweating so bad the only way to describe it, is refer to how much your balls are sweating
dude its so hot im sweating sack
A chess sweat is someone who sweats and chess and hasent been outside in days but doing london, english and rewatching the queens gambit over and over again.
A sweat ring on your shirt caused from the hair around your belly button gathering sweat.
After exercising, I had to change shirts because I had a sweat donut.
A skin in a video game that can only be bought with real money, marking that player as a toxic, sweaty piece of shit.
Did you see the new sweat skin PewDiePie bought? Yeah, the Diamond doctor Mario? What a sweat
Skunk sweat occurs over night when you wake up drenched with sweat smelling not unlike a skunk
I went to spoon my girlfriend in the middle of the night only to find her back was glazed with a thin layer of skunk sweat.
Sweating at night when the smell is indistinguishable to that of a skunk.
I woke up in the middle of the night and touched my girlfriend's back only to find that it was glazed in a thin layer of skunk sweat.
You begin sweating profusely because you have diarrhea and can not yet go. This often becomes worse the closer you become to crapping your pants. Upon relieving oneself the sweats decrease.
No Hillary I can't go to the party tonight I can't keep my makeup on I have a bad case of the diarrhea sweats.