CD meaning: Chill personality and heart
zac: whats your name?
CD: My name is CD
zac: What is the meaning of "CD"?
CD: CD means Chill personality and heart
Code red as in ( I’m on my period and I just had a leak)
Ashley: Girl can you help me rlly quick it’s a CD
Crimson Dawn; a battlefront 2 clan
Yo, you ever heard of the CD? The Crimson Dawn? They game pretty hard
The newest cringe “got you” type of question for when you have nothing interesting to tell your “friends.”
It is a combination of “Imagine dragon deez nuts across your face” and “CDs nuts on your face”
- Have you heard Imagine Dragon’s new CD?
- No
- Imagine dragon CD deez nuts across your face because you c dees nuts across your face
When you're at work... and you wonder how other people are SO stupid. You officially give the "Chris Facepalm." Meaning, you lower your head, put your hand on your forehead, cuss a few times and say "What in THE fook."
Did you see the task description this person just made? It makes NO SENSE! "CD Face Palm" here.