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Carter’s Dad

Literally Johnny Sins

Hey what’s up Jonny , what ?that’s not my name.

Carter’s dad is literally Johnny Sins

by #babyscina May 4, 2021

Carter Reynolds

Teenage Viner who was a part of MAGCON along with other teenage viners like Nash Grier, Cameron Dallas, etc. Most known for his vines of shouting where his Asian mom says "Cartah stop!"

Carter Reynolds is thirsty for Justin Bieber.

Carter Reynolds likes the booty.

"Cartah stappp don't do dat"

by Ks1994 April 18, 2014

697👍 221👎

June Carter

An awesome musician, part of the famous Carter Family, performed with and married Johnny Cash and enjoyed talking about the Wildwood in many songs. Born June 23 1929, died May, 2003. Was played by Reese Witherspoon in the 2005 movie "Walk The Line".

From "Chruch in The Wildwood" sung by June Carter: "There's a church in the valley by the wildwood... no lovelier place in the dale... no spot is so dear to my childhood as the little brown church in the dale."

by Jane Fraiser February 23, 2007

28👍 5👎

Pulling a Carter

The act of pulling a carter consists of removing comments or friends in a Facebook argument when you are obviously losing it. The person who pulls a carter generally tends to be a flamer with long black hair, gay purple shoes and is a really huge douche. He also probably long boards once a year but tells everybody he skateboards. if you know anybody like this please seek help for them. Monkey wrenches and rags soaked in Drano are recommended for rehabilitation, sharpened screw -driver shanks are also recommended.

pulling a carter should be something along the lines of this.

Mike - "ya the other day Joe was trying to convince me Reptar could beat Baman and Piderman"

Larry - "Oh really? He is obviously wrong, Baman and Piderman would definetly DP Reptar's scaly green ass"

Mike - "totally dude, and when i went to check it the other day he had removed all his comments and removed me as a friend"

Larry - "Oh wow he totally pulled a carter"

by Baman&Piderman June 28, 2010

10👍 1👎

Carter Effect

The period of time following an extremely unpopular president during which the opposing party maintains control of the presidency. The "Carter Effect" represents the collective institutionalized public animus and national fatigue evoked and often associated with an unpopular president which creates a bias and passion against voting for candidates from the same party.

The term is associated with Democratic President James Earl Carter who was very unpopular following his presidency. It took three presidential terms or 12 years before the negative feelings that a majority of Americans had for Carter's Presidency subsided to the point where the nation was once again willing to elect a Democratic president. Today a majority of Americans rate Carter's executive performance significantly higher then when he left office. (LS)

Presently the country is experiencing the "Bush Effect" a time in which feelings regarding the Bush Presidency have left significant numbers of Americans feeling upset with George W. Bush's Presidency and unwilling to support any Republican candidates.

"The Carter Effect" left it difficult for Democrats to regain control of the White House for 12 years.

by nycesq June 24, 2009

21👍 4👎

boston carter

a smart funny kid that will make a great friend

Boy 1: Who was that friendly kid over there
Boy 2: Oh that was Boston Carter
Boy 3: Isn't he a smart funny kid that will make a great friend

by WiZeBOI November 29, 2018

gay Carter

A short hobbit like character with a medium Penis, but it cannot fit in anything because its so fat. Also sucks off his best Asian friend.

Oh crap, is that a gay Carter with his asian friend slobbing???

by Joe Is The Name October 7, 2019