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starbucks foam

starbucks foam award goes to ms barrnet because she just loves drinking cups of them every day

dang starbucks foam that must be ms barnet

by sheeeeeeshhhhhhh April 21, 2021


A person that is ‘foamed’ is extremely embarrassed. They said something that others quickly caught on to and ‘got’ but they themselves were late in understanding the embarrassment. Then when they catch on, they were ‘foamed’.

She didn’t realize that the text she screenshot and sent, was to the the person she was gossiping about. Man she was foamed!

by Owly November 24, 2021


Failure of a Mom

After she lost four kids due to her neglect, this Foam was alone with nothing but her regret to keep her company.

by Cranberry Butter Crust December 20, 2020


Face Of A Mong

That bird dean banged had the FOAM

by JohnWayneBuilders April 26, 2019


What comes from your decroded mouth when you drink too much beer.

At the end of he night, he foamed on the tree in the front yard.

by Rooobeee September 4, 2023


Anger or rage. Angry like a rabid hound foaming at the mouth.

"That berk's foaming, better not go near him".

"Foam with anger all you want bubber, the pub is closing, finish your drink."
"He likes to foam, he's harmless."

by Zed Numar August 4, 2021

Babies foam

When drinking alcohol (beer) and the head of a beer mixes with your moustache

Dude, can I get a napkin? I got mad babies foam.

by Temsoul November 8, 2021