Source Code

Cum Burst Limit

When a player holds more than 7 resource cards in his/her hand during a game of Settlers of Catan.

Jim is over the cum burst limit. If someone rolls a 7, he's going to lose half of his cards - half of them will burst out of his hand all over the table.

by Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe November 4, 2010

2πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Hard Limit

When Meagan tries to tell Big Daddy what to do

No Big Daddy that’s a hard limit

by Joelismybitch December 20, 2017

3πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

CLM: Career Limiting Move

Something that you do at work, that will get you fired, or end your career very soon.

Nick made a CLM when he told his boss he hated the look of the new application.

by scuguy March 4, 2002

91πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

Bum Spurting Limit (BSL)

The maximum capacity of bareback-anal-sex cum in the rectum before rupture. Note: 'BSL' not to be confused with 'Bachelor of Science in Law'

"quick! hand me a sandwich bag! i've reached my Bum Spurting Limit (BSL) "

by Hakjab January 30, 2008

11πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

3 day speed limit

To tweek for 72 hours straight after using speed or meth amphetamines and the brains lack of rest causes you to hallucinate.

Joel said, "Hey bro, can you hear the people talking in my walls?"
"There's nobody talkin inside your walls", I said. "How long you been awake?"
"I dont know like a week at least", he replied.
"Thats your problem right there; you hit your 3 day speed limit."

by jROCK$** May 12, 2014

CLM: Career Limiting Move

Saying or doing something at work to a superior that will likely result in the termination of your employment.

Coco hung pictures of her superior Adam around her desktop and dressed the images with different headwear. -Example of CLM: Career Limiting Move at Uber

by Anonymous User- Not Coco December 19, 2019

7πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

bounce it off the limiter

To do something in complete and utter excess. Derived from the way in which a vehicles RPM tachmeter is said to "bounce" when the engine hits its rev-limiter.

dude can you get some butter from the dairy, and fucking bounce it off the limiter; I'm hungry.

by Dean Clarke November 9, 2008

2πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž