A fantastic series that takes place in the future involving Mecha called Orbital Frames. It takes place in the years 2167 - 2174 which stem from, in this order, the OAV movie Zone of the Enders: Idolo, Zone of the Enders (PS2 game), the anime series, Zone of the Enders: Dolores,i, and lastly Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner (Another game for PS2).
Started in March 11th, 2001, the Zone of the Enders series was introduced by Konami and due to the success of it, it merited the distribution of an anime series and a sequel and even several Model figures.
One proper misconception is that the mechs have penises. This is not true. Below the abdomen, every mech in the series has a cockpit which partrudes away from the center. The cockpit also does not attack. This is a common misconception by ignorant Zoids fans and cannot be forgiven.
<taco_fox> Zone of the Enders rocks rocks, mang 8)
<Nephtis> so true bro. They made a sequel, you know
<taco_fox> sweet is it r2wl?
<Nephtis> ya, a lot better than that crappy Zoids game.
<taco_fox> heh who would compare ZOE to something like Zoids anyway?
<Nephtis> d:-\
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A place where Aphrodite condemns the souls of people with dating double-standards.
Bob: "I can't believe Ashley (skinny, popular girl) put me in the Friend Zone! I was nice to her all this time, and she still says we're just 'friends!' But friendship is what a a romantic relationship is built on!"
Kaylee (overweight, average-looking girl): "Well Bob, you and me are friends too, and I'm single."
Bob: I... uh... erm..... but I don't wanna ruin our friendship Kaylee.
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A comfortable spot. Preferably in front of the TV so you can bingewatch Netflix with good food, tea and blankets.
Jackie Burkhart: What did you do today Steven?
Steven: Oh, I just watched Netflix in my comfort zone. You know, the one you decorated for me with the pink pillows and candles.
A strategy employed by a group of males at a crowded bar. Members of the group strategically disperse themselves around the bar to pick up females in their particular vicinity.
I got two phone numbers during our zone offense last night.
the bread zone is when you have put too little of your sandwich filling of choice into your sandwich and therefore entering the bread zone.
me: this sandwich looks awesome! I can't wait to eat it!
friend: I sure hope you don't enter the bread zone!
me, realizing the bite I took was just full of bread: ...oh no
friend: I can't believe you just entered the bread zone, bro..
6 foot radius around an active wii player. Being in this area you are prone to being hit by a player in motion
Hey watch out dude, your in my wii-zone.