A new and unusually unattractive pair of athletic shoes. Generally, but not limited to, incorporating high-tech materials or gaudy color combinations.
Jason has just declared himself a loser by wearing those toby slippers.
The biggest man whore known to man
Toby Pickles: I didn't do my math assignment, I was chatting up 5 girls
A “Toby Woods” is a great friend with a great personality a “Toby Woods” is easily better than a “Harvey Woods”. A “Toby Woods” is also very funny and likeable if you know a “Toby Woods” you probably know a very funny and also likeable gentleman named “Brogan” or “maathusan”. I
Do you know Toby Woods? he’s a good guy.
Some kid that lives in bensalem and gets carried on rainbow and fortnite. also, he thinks he’s good bc he got carried to 100+ wins
Yea i just carried tf outta toby healey, he’s so garbage
The act of violently shoving your balls into a cold bowl of jello, and then feeding it to a significant other.
Wow!I just had a dirty toby with my ex AND my girlfriend!
Untalented country douchebag who saw a vast untapped market in making CDs full of songs exploiting American troops and advocating extreme nationalism and selling them to uninformed, educated assholes who incorrectly equate patriotism with jingoism and unquestionable loyalty to the Bush administration.
After finding out that being a shill for the Bush administration made him more money than doing commercials for Ford trucks and 10-10-220 he recorded even more such songs, becoming even more of a sellout than he was before that time. He also shot his mouth off with unwarranted and unwelcome comments about the Dixie Chicks, who are better Americans and better patriots than he could ever think of becoming.
Toby Keith is a loudmouthed, ingorant piece of shit.
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