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virtual burn book

referring to the movie "mean girls". the burn book is a book where the main characters page pictures of their classmates and roast the shit out of them with snarky comments or by accusing them of doing weird things. a virtual burn book is a group message in which the girls (or boys) in it spend most of their time sending pictures of other people and gossiping.

-conversation from the virtual burn book-
friend 1- *sends a picture of another girl*
friend 2- Holy crust... she's so trashy.

friend 3- I heard she gave Jake an STD.

by okyeano July 18, 2017

Virtual Cleveland Steamer

(also known as VCS for short.) When someone craps on your heart, or even chest. But not in a literal sense. This steamy pile of shame and misery is delivered electronically. Hence why it's known as the "Virtual Cleveland Steamer."

Did you hear about Billy? He finally told a girl from high school how he felt about her, and she didn't even read his email, just straight up deleted it!

No way man, she Virtual Cleveland Steamered him? That's cold blooded!

by JMH85 February 17, 2010

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virtual family kingdom

Virtual Family Kingdom is a magical place where ignorance is bliss. It was a clever ploy to take advantage of noobs and creep out anyone who knows a thing or two about MMOs and laws pertaining to them. Unfortunately for the game's creators, people are on to their scheme.

I would play Virtual Family Kingdom, but I don't enjoy games that smell.

by Jhandley December 27, 2008

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Virtual Family Kingdom

After VMK shut down, some people in Arizona decided to take advantage of it and create a copy-cat named VFK. While it's nothing like VMK, it's better than nothing. It needs new role-players though.

And it's filled with annoying wolves too.

Person 1: Yeah, I played Virtual Magic Kingdom, but Virtual Family Kingdom is such a kiddie game! I mean I'm like 11 now...
Person 2: There are 15 year old guys on it.
Person 1: I'm on!

by VFK_Vintage June 23, 2011

15๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

virtual living

Giving too much time and attention to the Internet, especially the virtual world.

The teenager is hipped on virtual living; he spends hours palying his favourite avatar in the virtual world.

by uttam maharjan March 20, 2010

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virtual pack rat

Someone who downloads music, movies, and applications and saves them onto another hard drive or another form of media, even if they don't listen to the certain band or use the program anymore they keep it just incase someone else may want it or they just cant part with something that they have spent time downloading.

Dub's hard drive is so full of shit, he never deletes anything because he is such a virtual pack rat.

by Dub Son November 19, 2007

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virtual riot

nazist bedroom master

virtual riot (valentin riot) is a good edm producer
-no shit

by TheTownRapist April 6, 2017

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