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Commonly pronounced Lester, this lil 5,2 nigga has got a shit trim that try’s to hard to get younger children to like them

Person 1: look at that blokes trim
Person 2: yeah he must be a real Wesley

by Harveyhater November 12, 2021


So hot and sexy pulls boys, girls, and milfs

Wesley is so smexy

by Registered sex offenders April 22, 2022


People named Wesley are the sexiest people around, they always brighten up your day and turn you on just by listening to their voice or seeing their body or face. They have the most amazing singing voice that can make you nut in just a second and also are incredibly smart. Just having them tutor you for an hour will help your grades go up by 15 percent. They are exceptionally good at math and science and always get full marks in tests. Especially in EOY English tests. They have the sexiest Moustaches and are the tallest and manliest and hottest men out there. They are most compatible with Ruth's but they are extremely weak against Marcy's and Tasty's.

Person 1: Oh my god is he a Wesley? I heard they're very nice in bed. Person 2: He's mine don't even look at him. Person 1: Keep dreaming we both know we have no chance with him because we're not a Ruth.

by Wesleyissexy October 15, 2023


A lying and manipulative bitch. He will make you always feeling at fault when he’s just treating you like shit. He will never admit when he’s wrong. And will straight up disrespect you.

Oh how are you and wesley doing?
You don’t want to know…. bad things

by liltomatogorl October 16, 2021


Wesley is the cheapest bloke you’ve ever met although he’s always down to get on the bludge, Wesley is full of shit and thinks he’s some pretty hot stuff but he’s the next Best thing to a piece of crust that’s a year old and jammed down the side of the couch, Wesley should do more for William as William has always had to make up for where Wesley lacks( pretty much everything)

Omg what a wesley (wanker)

by Wesleyisgay July 18, 2021


A Zeus god who has a big 7 incher, hilarious, and loves men.

Boy 1: is that wesley?
Wesley: yeah it’s me baby
Boy 2; OH MY GOD

by gavin dick sucker aka wesley March 11, 2022


cigarette snipes you pick up off the ground to smoke.

Yo, brah you got any Wesleys? Nah, your lucky day, I got a whole bogey for you!

by GodFellas June 13, 2024