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what it do after 2

wassup after 2
what we going to do after 2
do u got my money after 2

what it do after to CHRIS

by Ay'Anna May 8, 2005

8πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

What do heck

The redneck version of β€œWhat the heck.”

β€œWhat do heck brudder.”

by XDarth_AvengerX July 18, 2019

10πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

I do what I do

expression explaining that is how they do things and shouldn't be questioned any further

example 1:
person 1- hey why are you always getting into fights when we go out

person 2- hey i do what i do

person 1- ah of course

example 2:

person 1- were you really hitting on that chick last night

person 2- i do what i do

person 1- gotcha

by Eric Kacktastic May 21, 2010

27πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

you know what you doing

taken from the zero wing dialect (see all your base are belong to us). stands for you know what you are doing, or we're counting on you. Usually achieved by launching all zig for great justice, when we have no chance to survive and are making our time.

"I know what im doing!"
"you know what you doing! launch all zig, for great justice!"

by baklava March 15, 2004

175πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

So this what we doing now?

A way of showing disappointment or disbelief in someone, or pointing out someone's stupidity or nastiness; another way of saying "Are you serious?" or "You not deadass right now".

Person 1: "Yooooooo lemme tell you! My cousin finally let me smash bruh!"
Person 2: "So this what we doing now?"

by Fresh Timbs November 2, 2018

what do i do if i like this girl but she's dating Joyelle

man tf up before you miss your shot

Hey, what do i do if i like this girl but she's dating Joyelle?

by Devon112 June 23, 2019

9πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

What else can I do?

What else can I do is the title to the Encanto song sang by Isabela and Mirabel. It was a song to express how Isabela didn't like how she always had to be perfect, and Mirabel being able to finally help

Isabela: What else can I do?

Mirabel: Wait! Bring it in, bring it in!

by Mitsuri 🍑 March 26, 2022