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Screamer Wiki

A wiki that documents most internet screamers.

There's a new jumpscare? Put it on the Screamer Wiki!

by THESAYCOMPTER3 April 8, 2021

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The overly formal style of writing used by wikis.

Me in math: A cube is a 3d square

On Wikipedia: "In geometry, a cube is a three-dimensional solid object bounded by six square faces, facets or sides, with three meeting at each vertex. The cube is the only regular hexahedron and is one of the five Platonic solids and has 12 edges, 6 faces and 8 vertices. The cube is also a square parallelepiped, an equilateral cuboid and a right rhombohedron. It is a regular square prism in three orientations, and a trigonal trapezohedron in four orientations. The cube is dual to the octahedron. It has cubical or octahedral symmetry." -From Wikipedia's article on Cubes

Me: That's wiki-lingo.

by We Are Anonymous December 4, 2015

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Studying for a test or final last minute using Wikipedia to get a brief understanding of whats on your test.

I didn't have time to study last night so I did some wiki-studying before class and I think I'm ready for the exam.

by PaintballPete205 December 15, 2010

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A romance/relationship over a wiki.

Tommy was dumb enough to believe that Jake and Brooke were dating online in a wiki-mance.

by TommybeDumb July 1, 2013

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A romance over a wiki.

"Tommy was stupid enough to believe that the wiki-mance was real.

by Tommy Be Stupid June 30, 2013

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When you search on Wikipedia and then bounce around randomly on the blue highlighted words or phrases that peek your interest.

I looked up my hometown on Wikipedia and got distracted by an interesting subject highlighted on the page and from there went on a Wiki-Ride that ended on the subject of dumpster diving.

by Donnie2Light November 30, 2015

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Rational Wiki

A wiki mostly dedicated to debunking antiscience movements and other quackery aswell as countless other articles dealing with logic and current events. Often touted as being biased towards the left a more accurate definition might be biased towards facts.

Hillaryforprison88: The stupid leftys at the rational wiki think being egalitarian means your a chauvinist
Normaldude14: Actually if you read the article it explains how egalitarianism and feminism are not mutually exclusive and that egalitarianism in almost certainly a good thing, and that people who claim to be egalitarians instead of feminist have fundamental misunderstandings of what feminism is and instead choose to lump all feminism into one monolithic ideological project.
Hillaryforprison88: Wait that is reasonably abstract and complex and doesn't instantly fit into my world view, therefor it must be irrational

by Ilovemmikehawk0000 June 27, 2017

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