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little young

refering to any rapper whose name has the word "lil" or "young" in front of their names, when this term is used it means that those rappers are "a little young" to understand real hip hop and lack experience

1 - how come all these new rappers talk about is money and women

2 - because most of them are a little young to understand what hip hop means

by oldbig February 16, 2010

9๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gha Young

A Korean name given to females. They are known to work hard and be quite intelligent. Gha Youngs typically play instruments, mainly the piano, and wear glasses.

You're so smart that you can be a Gha Young!

by bubble tea~ June 27, 2011

16๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

mr young

A teacher who has a small penis but a big heart.

That teacher gave me an 100 on the late assignment.

He's a total Mr Young

by LargeWhole March 16, 2017

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dan young

Taken from the nouns dan and young, but used as an adjective to mean tres sexy and good in bed.

"Well he's cute, but he's no dan young"
"That guy over there, he's such a dan young."

by MissLili March 18, 2007

34๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

ernst & young

Similar to the other Big 4 accounting firms, is a form of slavery and injustices. Most people come here to work hundreds of hours per week, only to be paid substantially less than at Deloitte, KPMG, and PWC. They are so cheap with raises they would rather see everyone quit every year than try to pay in line with the other firms. And the tag line "quality in everything we do" does not apply to senior managers who are the darlings of the partners. It means they can be worthless and not work a hard day in their life while shitting on the seniors. Then once the problems ensue, they just blame the seniors to make it all better.

I get paid paid $8,000 less to do the same job as my college friend. Oh, thats because I work at Ernst & Young instead of Deloitte.

by seattle_jeff March 31, 2005

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young fella

A saying, commonly used by ESPN sports analysts, used to refer to Rookies in the NBA (national basketball association) that make a spectacular play either on offense or on defense.

Analyst 1: "Derrick Rose goes up... AND SLAMS IT HOME!!!" Analyst 2:"Don't do it to em, young fella!"

by Dmack15 February 10, 2010

22๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Steve Young

The greatest quarterback in the history of football. Not only for his unmatchable talent, but for his personality, values, and great example on and off the field.

Steve Young was the MVP of Super Bowl XXIX and connected for a record breaking 6 touchdown passes in that game.

by Jon Beutler April 25, 2005

270๐Ÿ‘ 105๐Ÿ‘Ž