Having sex after having bong
Dude, Lisa came over last night and we had bong'n bang.
A sexual act by a dumpster with a person you would not want other to know you slept with. Sex with someone you are embarrassed to have sex with.
Sarah is a dumpster bang.
Similar to a combover, except it only involves the bangs covering the forhead.
Long bangs combed to one side of the forhead resembling a bald man's combover look.
Bangs combed to one side of the forhead. They do not blend into the rest of the hair naturally. Instead they look like a seperate hairstyle; they do not match the style of the rest of the hair.
Girl 1: What is wrong with your hair? It looks like you had a beenie on, except the beenie was only on your bangs; your bangs look like boy bangs. No actually you have a BANG COMBOVER!
Girl 2: They are not that bad, they were pinned back in a pump earlier. I combed them down and to the side really quick spraying them with hairspray so we could hurry up and go shopping.
Girl 1: Lets just hurry up and get out of here because your hair is too embarrassing to be seen in public.
A chicken in a house with a gun.
Did you see the chicka licka bang bang on the news? It was really bad!
a threesome in which all sexual partners are either lined up from top to bottom or side to side with one partner being Caucasian (white), one partner being African-American (black) and one partner being Native American (red)
Wife: I can't believe our daughter convince her black husband to have the future chief of the local tribe to have sex with them.
Husband: I should have seen this neapolitan bang coming after she always wanted her ice cream that way as a kid.
When you are having a girls game night that turns into a wine soaked gang bang when the husbands or boyfriends crash the party.
Just prepping for the neighborhood Bunco night that turns into a hang gang bang when all the husbands crash it!
When the wind blows and messes up your perfectly fixed bangs.
I walked outside and instantly got bang fucked with this wind, now I need to refix my hair!