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Douche Box

(1) A car packed full with douche bags


(2)A boxy vehicle such as a Honda Element or Scion xB.

(1) "Let's pass this douche box!"

(2) "I can't believe people actually drive those douche boxes. Everytime I see one I expect toast to pop up from the roof."

by SakeMonke November 1, 2007

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douche penis

A friend who has no better use in life other than to fill holes with his cock.

After witnessing Cassius attempting to pick up a random woman at the bar, we all came to the conclusion that he was a douche penis.

by Arizona Kilted February 27, 2008

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Scott is a douche

Scott is a Douche because he plays WOW and Runescape and doesn't take it in the butt like.

He is small and Cute but is gay and Scott is a douche

by Mangofall August 11, 2011

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douche nozzle

a universal word used in the event that you forget the actual word or just don't want to use it.

Q:What is the soup of the day?
A:Douche nozzle
Q:Do you like the new guy at work?
A:No. He is a huge douche nozzle
Q:What kind of dog is that?
A:It is a douche nozzle.
Q:Where would you like to sit?
A:On the douche nozzle!

by Sara Gallagher December 23, 2007

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An older man, who has interest in under age girls in an unhealthy illegal way. This man usually tends to be a douche bag to the underage girls he does not like.

1. Hail is still being stalked by that peta-douche.
2. JoJo is such a peta douche he came on to Wendy then wouldn't even buy her alcohol

by elfie November 20, 2003

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douche cock

A tool for probie firefighters to find on the fire truck. This pretend tool can also be used for plumbers, electricians, and builders. This tool gets the Probie or newbie out of the way for a few hours and it is funny when they ask others where the Douche Cock is.

hey i sent the new guy off for the DOUCHE COCK. But there no such thing as a Douche cock. "Yes But he doesn't know this."

by Fupa Gile March 20, 2007

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Douche Chills

When ever you walk by someone and you look at them and realize that they are complete assholes, pretty much means they make you feel ashamed to be a human.

People who walk around acting like there the shit, when there just some punk asshole who needs to get that ghetto ass hat of his turned shoved up his ass. and then you feel a chill go down your spine(Douche Chills).

by Richard Tang January 1, 2011

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