A group of self- entitled people (or person) who easily get their feelings hurt or are easily butt hurt.
Some of the students didn’t agree with the scheduled speaker’s viewpoints. These donut people (person) had the speaker banned from the school.
South Texas Slang, That means, you are trying to come up with money. Like you are on your hustle.
It could also be said as, Licking Someone, Lick, or Licking.
Austin: Hey i'm selling this bag of skittles for 5 dollas
Caleb:Thats expensive, you out here Licking People
Austin: Do you want it or not
Caleb: F*ck it let me go ahead, and get it.
Hippies or hippy. Van driving, weed smoking, shower-less travelers. Often have dreads and no shoes( or flip-flops).
Over use the peace sign as well.
" Dude look at all those peace people"
Daughter #1 and #3 of Yusuf (not including daughter #3) ie. Amari
“You and your older sister are ‘people’” -father
The reason you live and the reason you want to die.
Carbon based live-forms who only care about wealth and the annihilation of others.
People have killed over 322 animal species and show no signs of stopping.